Friday, December 4, 2009

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

Hi All,

Hope you had a great Thanks giving I know I did. I decided to take some time to update the blog about what has been going on with my career. I know some of my fans have been wondering what I have been up too since leaving NYMM so I apologize for the delay.

Now if you are one of my friends on Facebook you may have noticed that I was updating my status frequently about the Victoria's secret Fashion show, well here is the scoop.

When on the 1st of November I found out that the Victoria's Secret Fashion show was headed back to NYC I decided that I had to find a way to get in to see the show. It was kind of like one of those things I had to do before I die kind of motive. I found out that the show was actually going to be taped on the 19th of November so I began a mad campaign called operation Find Victoria's Secret. It was basically an initiative to find any contact that I knew who would possibly be able to get me into the show.

A week had passed and after I spoke to models, stylists, make up artists and producers no one had a lead on how to get into the show so I decided to let the issue rest for a moment. As I was searching the internet for castings for Broadway I came across a casting for the Victoria's Secret Fashion show searching for Female Dancers, as someone who is familiar with the production I knew they usually had an all female dance crew so though I wasn't surprised I sat back and said "Damn they should have had a call for guys. I would have definitely gotten to see the show then." Three days later as I was checking the internet for castings again, my prays had been answered. There, illuminated on my laptop screen was a casting for Male Dancers for the Victoria's Secret Fashion show. "What luck" one might say after reading my last sentence but no, it was not meant to be. The date of the casting happened to be the same day I found it and the start time was the same time I was reading it, so getting from queens to Manhattan in 1 second all warmed up and ready to go was out of the question.

Now you might say this is when you gave up. No I refused to give up I kept telling myself someone of my contacts would come through and be able to sneak me into the venue. Maybe I could be a production assistant, maybe Bravo needed someone to cover the event somehow I was getting in. Five days before the show and I'm again searching for castings for TV, Broadway and any interesting projects and there it was Victoria's Secret Fashion Show searching for Male Improv Actors. Cue the celestial choir. Now, to tell you the truth, I have only had one acting class in my entire life, an acting for dancers course my first semester, freshman year so I would not exactly call myself an actor and improv comedy...ah...yeah about that, but I was determined to find a way into the VS fashion show. The call was scheduled for the next day so I had enough time to both psych myself up slash freak myself out as to the embarrassment of not knowing what I was going to do, however, I have never been one to care about being qualified to do something.

On entry to the casting I was met by around 25 other men ranging in age and ethnicity but all seemed to be seasoned vets at comedy and acting. There were some who had Nationally syndicated commercials, about five Law and Order, what I like to call third cop from the left's and the rest were stand up comics. Feeling completely out of my element yet strangely confident I walked into the room with two other actors and was asked by the Director of the VS production to act out various scenarios. To say I had a blast is an understatement. I thoroughly enjoyed making a fool of myself in the hopes of possibly seeing the most beautiful women in the world in lingerie. Surprisingly I was one of ten guys asked to stay for a second round of improv while everyone else was released. The second round of improv was basically movement based, no words just physical comedy. I must say this time I thought my performance was a bit weak but it still garnered some laughs from the director and his assistants. At the end we were given the "We will call if we are interested" line and then were sent home.

This was it, only 4 days left and this was my last chance to get into the 2009 Victoria's secret fashion show. As I got home from the casting, continuously replaying the days events, I decided that I needed to take a nap and just relax. If I got it then great, if I didn't then next year. Two hours later, I got up from my nap and literally five seconds after opening my eyes my phone rang.

"Hello, Goodnight" I always answer the phone with a double greeting
"Hi is this Sandhurst?"
"Hi this is Robert from Victoria's Secret. We thought you were extremely funny so we want you to come hangout backstage with the models."

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